Fire Protection Districts Principle Enabling Act
The Lookout Fire Protection District follows the Brown Act
Government Code §26909 Special districts are required to have annual, independent audits conducted by the county auditor or a certified public accountant. This information is filed with the State Controller’s Office. The annual audit can be changed to a bi-annual audit if approved unanimously by the district board and the board of supervisors, under certain restrictions.
Benefit Assessment Act of 1982 Government Code §54703, et seq. A district that provides services for public works projects that benefit property may impose assessments for the installation, improvement, and maintenance for these facilities. Since it is considered a benefit assessment, the Act is not subject to Proposition 13 limitations.
LFPD perform duties such as, fire supression, emergency medical air or erscue, hazardous ,aterial resonses, emergency standby, training and public education.
Formation: Any territory, whether incorporated or unincorporated whether contiguous or noncontiguous, may be included.
We have 3 Commisioners, one of which was elected the position in a county electoral vote.
The LFPD is dependent upon existence of cities within the district including the Lookout Ranchettes and Lookout itself making up 5.453 sq. miles.